Sunday, September 29, 2013

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 22: Experiments in light shopping

Greetings everyone and welcome to the last September entry of this blog. For the time in a long while, its much late but its here. After a great week of celebrating my birthday and having some awesome presents, I have a few interesting pics for this week. These are my first time with experimenting with both the lighting in the program and with the pics in Photoshop. Here they are:

                                                               Alisa Bosconivich

                                                                 Pic in-Program 

Photoshop (Line Experament)
Pic In-Program
Photoshop (Layer/Shading Experiment)

Pic In-Program

                                                             Photoshop (Layer Experiment)

Johnny Cage
Pic In-Program
Photoshop (Saturation/Crosshatching Experiment)
So that's it for this week. What you are looking are basically my homework assignments for school and they've ended up giving me some new ideas for experimentation in the program. I'll likely do more and even expand upon them if I really get some things going. See you next time.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 21: Good pose and new clothes

Hello everyone, welcome to the 21st entry. Again not a lot of pictures this time around (again due to School work, Tokyo Game Show news (which wasn't much as it turns out) and some laziness. But the few I show today feature some clothes mods for certain models. Without further ado, here they are:

                                                           Anna Williams Miniskirt


Lili Casual


And for my birthday, I present this pic featuring Lara Croft and Samara Nishimura from Tomb raider 2013 in custom dresses and posed at the DOA 5 Casino:

That's it for this week. Hopefully with this busy weekend over, it'll leave room for more pictures. See you next week.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 20: Old Faces and New places

Hello and welcome to the 20th entry. Unlike the 10th entry, this is much earlier (even if its in the Evening and not at noon like last week's). Anyhow on this entry, I show off some new locations I got  and while I'm at it, get creative with some models I have. Anyhow, here we go:

                                                                 WWE Stage/Ring

After having a generic gym with a Ring in it, I was surprised to find this and immediately downloaded it. While it has no bones, it still makes for a nice piece.

And while I was at it, decided to have these two do abit of some entrance posing
Dance Stage
Been trying to look for some sort of stage for concerts and performances now that I finally have the instruments I've been looking for and while this isn't what I had in mind, it'll do for the time being.

And since its a dance stage, why not show it as such with someone who is quite skilled in the art of dance:
Fashion Runway
Find this while searching for some other places and while Fashion isn't my thing, people seem to love adding some fashionable clothes mods to models a lot so I figured I might as well have a place to show some off:

And since I already have some of those said fashionable models, I decided to show it the way its supposed to be shown:
That's it from me this week. With my final video for my video series being completed early, that now leaves me more room for these entries and pictures. See you (hopefully as a much earlier time) next week.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 19: Like new (Jun Kazama model comparison: Roxaskennedy x BoobsonX)

Hello and welcome to this week's adventures in XNA Posing. This time around is more of a interesting comparison between one of the first ever models I got and a brand new one I just got of Jun Kazama. To really illustrate the differences, here's the first pics I post before when I  started this blog from the Roxaskennedy Model:


A very solid attempt for this model, for the most part it nails a lot of things and even manages some creative freedom via removal of the headband and scarf. Bones are solid. My only problem is its abit dull in vibrancy. Its also got some strange visual glitches (like a line in the neck portion), which had to be masked via certain angles or distances.

Now take a look at some similar pics I took using the new model from BoobsonX:

Great model and like the first, some creativity via the removal of certain items. Solid bones and details as well. What really wins me over with this one though is it much more polished and more vibrant.

Overall, I really like the model from BoobsonX. Its abit more alive (Even if the poses used aren't exactly lively) and vibrant with its color of the textures. 

Well that's it for this week's early afternoon edition, hoping to do this more often. I intend on making more of these once I find a better version of models I use. See you next time.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 18: A Little Distracted and a Little Musical

Welcome to the first September edition of Adventures In XNA Posing. The title for this entry is fitting for two reasons. One: because the amount of pictures I did for this is due to me being distracted by my renewed interest in iRacing now that I have a Wheel,  finally being able to get my GT5 disc out of my dead PS3 and playing religiously ever since, getting my first assignments for school done, completing a video for my youtube channel AND of courses as usual, the races oover the weekend (all of which were not short on craziness). Second: Because I've found some catchy music from the OST of Tekken Revolution. Now on to the small amount of pictures I did this time:


So as you can see, I've managed to get both Lara Croft and Samantha Nishimura from the 2013 Tomb Raider game as well as the Hotel they are in. Also, finally found a piano model to use and with that, I could finally make another scene I've always wanted to do happen.
Well, that's it for this week. Tune in next week when I finally begin to start testing out things for my "Club Seven" Series. See you next time.