Sunday, August 24, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 69: Sunday night edition.

Welcome to an entry that finally makes it back to a sunday.  I'll admit the content is very short, but its here so lets get it over with:

Asuka Bedwear (WIP)

This is a custom I started on doing months ago, but never got alot done with. Admittingly its essentially a recolor of her bikini, but I always thought with a color change it could actually become what she wears to bed. Not sure what else to do but I'll keep working on it.

Lili on the computer
 So I just randomly threw this together and wasn't expecting anything. However, I actually liked how it turned out and after seeing a forum I'm on going completely nuts regarding some news, I decided to make a meme out of it:

Feel free to use this whenever your local forums have a freakout of massive proportions.

Thats it for me tonight, next week will be much earlier and alot more content. See you next time.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 68: Monday Evening Edition

Welcome to unfortunately another late entry. Again, I've just gotten carried with things and add the fact that now Online appears to be working well with my PS3, I've just completely forgot all about this. Anyhow, onto the pics:

First pics for an poster I originally was working on and now that I have found them, I'm actually going back to work on them.

Mudcrab legs

Found these some time ago and am completely unsure how to use it. Its nicely made, but it has no bones so its somewhat limited. I can only assume you'd only use this to dress a seafood theme plate otherwise its abit limited as a prop.

Felicia (Darkstalkers)

One of childhood memories (from a show I may or may not have been too young to watch) is this characther so when I came across this model, I had to download it. Didn't do much posing I'll admit as I did this in a hurry yesterday (only to just give up), but I overall love it. Possibility is what this characther has in spades, even the wiskers are movable. I definately have to do  more posing with this model.

Jun Piano Stadium Performance

After doing the rock stage and finding a stadium model I downloaded a year ago, I decided to try this out. Made this on Saturday so I wasn't as much in a hurry but given that I couldn't get rid of some objects on it, I was also limited in where I could move the piano or Jun so only these shots were managed. With the limits I had, I think it turned out great. 

Eliza Couch pose

Another one that was made in a hurry just to get things going, this was slated to have more pics, but this was all I managed. I believe I make many more better pics.

Thats it for this week, again I apoligize as I just haven't had my focus on this at all two weeks in a row. I mean it this time when I say that the next entry will be back on Sunday. Until then, see you next time.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 67: Two days late edition

I just would like to apoligize for posting this so late. I just didn't have anything done for sunday and completely forgot about it yesterday so here's unfortunately a very lacking entry.

So thats it for today. As I post this, I'm actually working on pics for this sunday  so there won't be another entry this bad. See you next time.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 66: Devil Vs Jin Edition Part 2

Welcome to a much earlier edition and as promised, the completion of this little story all the way to to an interesting conclusion that was again inspired by a storyline from Tekken 4. So here you go:

Spent quite some time on this and I'm happy with how this turned out. 

And now for an XNA upcoming project I have in mind. Its based off a Tekken crossover project I'm doing and without saying anything, I think you will quickly figure out who this is:

If I can find someone who's good with meshmods, I intend on not only completing the crossover project but using it as a guide for a new model.

Thats it for this week, I finally got it posted earlier after two weeks of poor posting time. I intend on keeping that up for the rest of the year. Next week I'll be back to other series after three weeks of Tekken nonstop. See you next time.