Saturday, January 31, 2015

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 91: Behind Schedule (Part 2)

Good afternoon and welcome, this is the second entry to catch up and make up for missing last week. Here's some more pics:

That's it for today, see you tomarrow for an on schedule and more content packed entry.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 90: Behind Schedule (Part 1)

Sorry for being so horribly late with these, I just had many things going on (Most of them frustrating) and this has just slipped by me so I'm putting up these for the next  two days just to catch up. There won't be a lot of pictures as they are on my other computer but I'm at least putting up some content. Anyhow, here's some pictures just to start off:

That's it for this one, again a few more will be posted up as I make up for missing two weeks. See you tomarrow.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 89: Last minute

Welcome to a brief entry. Sorry for the lack of content as I was just simply busy with a lot of things and didn't really have any ready to post this week so as you read this, I am getting pictures ready for Sunday's entry and trust me, it'll be loaded to the brim. That is it for now, see you Sunday.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 88: Teaser Edition

Hello and welcome to the first entry of 2015. Admittingly, I've been on a relaxed few days taking the new year but today I put together some short teasers on what to expect this year so here they are:

I'll be continuing the Raiden Vs Raiden Battle Next week, where the battle really gets intense. Even a certain weapon will make an appearance and in the finale will end in a ode to a certain comic book character.

I'll be continiung to find classic MK costumes fit for MK9. I already have spotted some I haven't already seen and will be showing those off next week as well.

I'll be actually getting this series going and if you've already seen how the "Jin Vs Devil Jin" series went, then you already know this is going to have some continuation from that. 

Here's some other things I'll be aiming for this year as well:

-Collecting the rest of the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Models. Wasn't too successful last year but still trying this year.

-Finally putting out my first comic. The previous attempts have been nothing short of frustrating, but I should be able to do it now that I've finally got some assistance.

-Getting into doing more actual custom outfits. I said I'd do more but I've fallen far behind on that so I intend on stepping up on that.

-Have a "Pic of the week" segment. I thought it'd be wonderful to pay some love to some wonderful fanart on deviantart so this is where I'll be holding it. I'll simutanously host it on my deviantart account as well. 

Thats it for this week, thats basically my goals for this year and hopefully, I don't fail on them. I also will be posting these in the morning at 10:00 AM starting next week, I know I've made this promise before but I'm clamping down on things and have made myself a schedule so I'll be more focused and have less procrastinating. See you next time.