Monday, May 26, 2014

Adventures in XNA Posing Entry 56: Memorial Day Edition

Greetings and welcome to a very special edition of XNA Posing. Today, I show more of my recently acquired models. So without wasting time, here they are:

Open Desert

Finally found my first actual terrain model for XNA. Sorry for the iffy pictures, it was very hard to work with and navigate around.

AH-1 Little Bird

In case you are wondering, you indeed have seen this before in my earlier pictures. However, the difference is that this particular model has moving blades as well as the option for both moving and stationary blades, making it useful for both static scenes and action scenes. 

Frost (MK)

Many of you will recall that indeed Frost was already featured in this blog. However, this a completely differne model. Where the last one was made using a modified Sindel model from MK9 with Reptile's mask, this one appears to use only use the mask and modified clothe from a MK9 Sub-Zero model on a scratch made model. The Mask is also removable, revealing a face that is most definitely not a reused face from MK9. Overall, I find this much better then the last model but since I still have it, I've actually got a very interesting idea for the story I had in mind.

Well thats it for today, I do apoligize for this being late as I was kinda pre-occupied with the weekend's races. Hopefully, I'll be back on schedule Sunday. Hope you all had a very good and safe Memorial day. See you next time.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 55: Showcase Part 1

Hey everyone and welcome to a very late edition. It took longer then I wanted, but it'll be worth as I actually managed to make a lot of content today. So without further ado, here's some new stuff I acquired starting with character models:

Rainbow Mika (Street Fighter)

I finally decided to look into looking for a decent Rainbow Mika model and this was the first one I found. Well with people making fun of Jaycee and declaring her costume a ripoff, might as well make a rivalry now just for the sake of trolling.
Leo Kliesen (Tekken Tag Tournament 2)

Found this while looking for a Julia Chang Bikini model. Thought it was interesting and might lend to some interesting retextures.
Fantasy Lara

An interesting take on Lara and it kinda works oddly. Got it just for the sake of having something really different.
Julia Chang (Tekken Tag Tournament 2)

Finally found a Julia model from TTT2 with her Jaycee suit and its perfect. Now I can actually do some pictures without using a T6 Julia model.
And now for some of the new enviroments I managed to get:
PC Office

Admittedly not a location as it is an item, but that's the name. Looks great and will make for an awesome multi-platform gaming session now that this is in my collection along with the PS4 and XBone.
Big Office

Abit difficult to get the pictures from this, but a great edition and I finally got a office environment that isn't so dark and gloomy like most are.
Public Restrooms

Yep, you read right: I got a public Restroom. Mostly for a funny sign that wasn't able to get in the picture, but thought it'd work for the story I have in mind.
Sidewalk Restaurant

Found this and thought this would be a good scene for many conversation pics, ranging from discussing secret missions or having friends bond over some lunch.
That's it for today, finally a entry with loads of pictures, expect more next week. See you next time.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 54: Mother's Day/First Anniversary Edition

Welcome to a very special entry as not only are we celebrating the day for all the mothers out there, but this is also the day that a year ago this blog was started. This will unfortunately be another very short and late entry as finals have occupied my time, but we'll get cracking so here we go with these interesting moms:

And just for the same of Nostalgia, here's the pics from that very post one year ago:

That's it for this week, hope all of you had a safe and Happy Mothers Day. While my mom is not here with me, I know somewhere just me keeping it going and looking after my family is good enough to make her Happy. See you next time.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 53: Cinco De Mayo Edition

Welcome to a vey late but still present edition of Adventures in XNA Posing. For this, I did a series of party themed pictures for today.  So without further ado, here they are:

That's it at the moment. More to be added thoughout the rest of the day. See you next time for Mother's day.