Sunday, September 28, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 74: Raiden faceoff Edition (featuring more Shadow Depth)

Welcome to a solid, noon entry. Unfortunately, the new models I downloaded didn't download quite like I wanted so I had to abandon that. However, I did come up with something that was inspired by the Raiden pics I did featuring the spider: a faceoff between good Raiden and Dark Raiden.

This is looking great so far, I'm hoping to make this as good as the Cyborg battle I did.

Now for some more older pictures touch up with Shadow depth, the top pics are the originals while the bottom ones are the new ones with shadow depth:

Thats it for today, hopefully new models will be present for next week's entry. See you next time.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 73: Shadow Depth & Lighting Edition

Hello everyone and welcome to an early afternoon entry. This week, I decided to get some of my earlier pictures I took and compare side-by-side with these new pics I took with increased shadow depth and adjusted lighting. Take a look yourself and see the differences:

The bottom pics are the first untouched ones while the tops are the newly adjusted ones. take a good look at these and tell if you like the shadow depth pictures much better.

Thats it for this week, at finally an earlier date. I'm currently downloading alot of new models so expect many pics next week (especially now that my assignments are being done much earlier.) See you next week.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 72: Weapons Edition

Greetings and welcome to an afternoon edition. Lets waste no time and squeeze in some new pictures this week:

Sword fight (The Walk)

Decided to go for the sword story I had started earlier, but start it in a interesting way. It'll get interesting from here.

The Hammer (Part 1)

So after remembering that I had shao Kahn's Hammer, I decided to turn that into an interesting storyline itself. Where it goes on from here, well you'll be staying tuned for it thats for sure.

Thats it for me today, With this week's schedule, I'll be able to do more pictures next week. See you next time.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 71: Short Evening Edition

Welcome to an kinda late evening edition and unfortunately a short one at that. With school back in session, my time to make these is now about limited. Anyhow, lets soldier and start with a question:

Shadow Depth

So for the first time, I've actually begun to play around alot with the Shadow depth today and decided to test this with several pictures at varying degrees:




Depending on how popular they are, I'll likely go with that amount of Shadow depth for future pictures.

School Girls (Lili & Asuka)

And to commemorate the first two weeks of  school, here's two themed pictures featuring two of everyone's favorite students. 

And thats in for now, again I'd really appreciate some feedback on the Shadow of depth pictures as it'll determine the direction for me to go with my pictures from now on. Hopefully I can find some time between my assignments to sqeeze in more pictures. See you next week.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 70: Labor Day Edition

Welcome to the 70th entry, on a monday evening that falls on Labor day. Admittingly this was going to go up earlier, but a few difficulties made that impossible. Anyhow, a huge amount of content for today has been made featuring both new and previously forgotten models. So lets get to it:

 Julia Cowgirl Bikini

At long last (and at a interesting timing), the model has finally been uploaded and ready for download on my deviantart account. Its a proud moment and its only the start of many more inspired retextures

Comparison: Pedrocroft Vs changinformica

So I came across a new Julia TTT2 model only to realize I already had a model. So that prompted me to get these and take a closer look. The one on the left is the one by changinformica and the one on the right is by Pedrocroft. After looking at both, the only thing that really seperates them is one being abit lighter in colors. Apart from that, both are really good models so its abit impossible to say which is better. I guess really it all comes down to what you prefer because to me, they are very good quality models.

Kazuya Suit

After only finding T6 models, I finally stubled across a TTT2 model and its far more detailed then said models. Of course it doesn't take much to pose him with a look that is all business because he just exudes a mood that's just that.

Anna Business Queen

Unknown to me, I appearently downloaded this when I got the Nina Buisiness Queen model and just now discovered it. Looks like I now have toe potential for some quite interesting and possibly humourous pics of the two competing for what else...Business.

Jade and Jonah Shepard (Dress)

At long last, my custom Shepards are back and in Dress form. These will be having a custom design put on them and I possibly might open up to request for retexturing other custom shepards.

And thats it for this week. Apoligies for lateness but at least its posted still in the daytime and not nightitme. Of course with this being the first monday of september, that means summer is officially over so let's enjoy the last summer themed image, featuring a Lara Bikini model I forgot about:

See you next Time.