Sunday, February 23, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 43: Last Minute Edition

Welcome and apologies for a very late entry. I hadn't done any posing as I was more occupied with catching up on school work and of course, watching all the races leading up to the Daytona 500. Thankfully while there was a rain delay, I came up with a theme for this week's pictures and depending on what I do, I might make more out of it. Without further delay, here they are:

So that's it for today, again apologies for the severely late posting of this. I promise next week will have much more and will be back on regular schedule. See you next time.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Adventures in XNA Posing Entry 42: Rocking it out

Greetings and welcome. Today is abit stage performance themed, thanks to a new stage I downloaded (along with a Mic Stand) and have given them a tryout. So without further ado, here they are:

Rock Stage & Mic Stand

Was on my usual stroll when I came across this and I immediately knew I wanted it. Its abit confined I won't lie, but it does offer a nice change from the dance stage I would use and would actually be good for many stage based pictures (without the speakers in the way of course). Decided to give it try and these came along:

Not my best work, but again was giving this a first go. Hoping for far better things the more I use these.

Now for something not dealing with stage performances: a damaged plane from Left 4 Dead. I got this long ago but rather then just show it by itself, I thought I'd tease abit of another potential story so here comes the pics you see above.

That's it for me this week, barely got this out but its something between the busy race weekend and avoiding the hussle of holiday Commercialization. Hope you had a decent, authentic Valentines day and not one ruled by Chocolate/Teddy bear/Diamond Jewery companies. See you next time.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 41: Slightly light edtion

Greetings everyone, today's entry is unfortunately abit light on content butit should still have something. One thing I would like to promise is that every entry I post will have content. Sometimes it'll be full of it and sometimes it'll be very small on it, but content will be provided.
 Anyhow, lets get back to today's reimagining of an ending from Tekken Tag Tournament:


So that's it for this week. Its been hectic with the crazy weather changes and the electricity going crazy, but next week should be back to regular business. See you next time.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 40: February Edition

Hello everyone and welcome to the first entry of February. I finally got around to making a lot more pictures and downloaded some more new models along the way. So without further ado, here they are:

Band Instruments

I never got around to actually getting pictures up of this set that I got, but here it finally is. It has all the instruments I want, or so nearly (as I'm still missing the drum sticks). Still, this'll finally assist me in making the band pictures I want.

Another collection I never got pictures of and when I finally got around to doing them, I decided to get some of the most delicious looking ones. Of course that interestingly has meant that most of these are chocolate while one of them is Vanilla (guess which one that is).

Not really anything new, just something I experimented with. I intend on doing more with it if I can think of anything else.

Swat Van

Finally managed to get this shot and its fantastic. The doors are very poseable and its going to work wonderfully for the shots I have in mind.
That's it for this week, not that much more content I'll admit, but its reasonable at least. See you next time.