Sunday, September 7, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 71: Short Evening Edition

Welcome to an kinda late evening edition and unfortunately a short one at that. With school back in session, my time to make these is now about limited. Anyhow, lets soldier and start with a question:

Shadow Depth

So for the first time, I've actually begun to play around alot with the Shadow depth today and decided to test this with several pictures at varying degrees:




Depending on how popular they are, I'll likely go with that amount of Shadow depth for future pictures.

School Girls (Lili & Asuka)

And to commemorate the first two weeks of  school, here's two themed pictures featuring two of everyone's favorite students. 

And thats in for now, again I'd really appreciate some feedback on the Shadow of depth pictures as it'll determine the direction for me to go with my pictures from now on. Hopefully I can find some time between my assignments to sqeeze in more pictures. See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is my first time commenting here after snooping around here quite a bit.

    I guess Shadow Depth all depends on how you are willing to adjust your pictures to however you like showing them. Much like how someone may choose to go with colorful pictures or have dark and gritty pictures. Whatever works best for you and whatever you want to use for your material is up to you. That's all I'm suggesting.

    Besides that, good luck to you in your studies. Take care and be well, man.
