Sunday, September 21, 2014

Adventures In XNA Posing Entry 73: Shadow Depth & Lighting Edition

Hello everyone and welcome to an early afternoon entry. This week, I decided to get some of my earlier pictures I took and compare side-by-side with these new pics I took with increased shadow depth and adjusted lighting. Take a look yourself and see the differences:

The bottom pics are the first untouched ones while the tops are the newly adjusted ones. take a good look at these and tell if you like the shadow depth pictures much better.

Thats it for this week, at finally an earlier date. I'm currently downloading alot of new models so expect many pics next week (especially now that my assignments are being done much earlier.) See you next week.

1 comment:

  1. I can see the difference now. The ones with the shadow depth appear more realistic with more realistic lighting and shading. They make for more realistic images. Just want to say again- it depends on how you want to showcase these images. The shadow depth simply makes for realistic-looking images. Whether you want to go with images with more shadow depth is up to you. Speaking as a veteran blogger and vlogger, it's your blog and your pictures- showcase your material the way you want to showcase them and screw what any haters would say otherwise.
